Here I go, taking pictures of my food again. I've become a repeat offender. You'll have to come to expect this from me I think. Couldn't help myself. All that beautiful, fresh, healthy food in my CSA share from Wolf Pine Farm inspired me. I expect it will also inspire some great meals and some healthy conversation.
I'm going to try to document where and how far all this luscious food goes. I'll share just the highlights with you in a future post. More food pics anticipated, likely involving our Thanksgiving feast.
I have a feeling it will be more of a true Thanksgiving this year than it has been in some time. We always pause to give thanks for the blessings of the year, but somehow you FEEL it so much more when you are really close to the source of the food that you are eating as you ponder those blessings. While the fabulous foods pictured above will certainly participate in the feast, much of the bounty will be things that we have already harvested and preserved from our own land. Does anyone have an emoticon for "feeling thankful"?
Until next time. Eat Lightly...
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