Today was the first annual Berwick Arts Association Red Saturday Art Show. More than 20 artists came together in a donated space to provide the community with the opportunity to purchase locally made goods in the form of fine art objects and to support local artists. Several artists donated works and Hubby and I volunteered to run a raffle table to benefit the association. As we manned the raffle table and visited the tables of the various artists we were able to rekindle old friendships, and begin new acquaintances that we hope will develop into future friendships.
Throughout the day we were amazed by the number of conversations that came around to buy local, local food movements, sustainability and permaculture. We made several new contacts with individuals and groups who are working in this area. It looks like we will be assisting in the planning of some upcoming local food events. We also were able to meet with some folks about moving forward with an idea for setting up an hour exchange here in the Berwicks and I had one truly inspiring conversation with a young lady about a vision I have for a local needs and skills assessment. It was refreshing and inspiring because of the light and enthusiasm that I could see coming into her eyes as I described my idea. It was so nice to speak with someone who has the youth, enthusiasm and vision to see were we can really go with this type of project. The people I spoke with today were able to see a future where we have localized our economies and reduced our impact on the planet to a level that is sustainable for the long term.
After the show we retired to the home of a friend who lives just down the street from the building where the show was being held. Ms. T was hosting a pot luck and duck roast featuring a duck that she had recently raised and named Chester. As you can imagine the conversations around local food and sustainability continued in full swing at such a gathering. Everyone was thankful for Chester's sacrifice and also for the delicious Latvian potato tarts that Ms. T made. As we were driving home, I was impressed by just how quickly the day had flown and how what we had really be doing all day was weaving a web of community that we hope will grow closer and more tightly knit as the days go by.
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