Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why the One Earth Revolution? (A bonus post)

We have to remember that in all the talk about the economy and bottom lines, the environment is the bottom line that trumps them all. Without healthy ecosystems to sustain us, the human race faces a pretty bleak future. It's not enough to just buy energy efficient appliances and recycle our bottles and cans. We need a complete revolution in the way we think and live. This revolution needs to infiltrate every aspect of our lives: our society, culture, faith, jobs, homes, families, food, pets, clothes.....EVERYTHING! 

And we don't have a lot of time. We need to change NOW. So, a revolution in one year (one revolution of the earth) is the goal. Can we make it happen? I believe we can, if we are all sharing the message and living the life.

It's a cold blustery Sunday in January. A perfect day for staying inside, turning the heat (down), wrapping up in a warm comforter or afghan and watching an inspirational video. (You thought I was going to say binging on Netflix didn't you?) If you do nothing else today, please watch "David Suzuki: An elder's vision for our sustainable future." You will come away understanding  more than you ever imagined and you will understand why this revolution is SO important. Please watch and please, please share widely. Be the Light! Thank you! 

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