Friday, November 22, 2013

Great Grand-Dad's Granny Square Afghan

It's Friday night after a long week at the office. I'm exhausted, really need to be working on the website, but just haven't got the energy for reading through pages of links and trying to make attractive and navigable pages with all the new information I've been compiling. I'll get those updates out to you just as soon as I can, but right now I'm curled up on my second hand sofa (which I got nearly brand new for about 25% of retail - very lucky find) wrapped up in an old afghan that my great grandfather crocheted back in the 1960's or it might have been the 50's. In either case, it was before I was born.  Have you ever seen one of these?

It is simply gorgeous and snuggly. And it gets me to thinking again about reusing and repairing things. This particular afghan that I'm snuggled up in was severely neglected and thread bare when I was a child. My mother rescued it and redid the stitching between the squares. When I bought my grandparents house, many years later,  Ma gave me the afghan. I've been in the house for 12 years now and here I am, still warming myself in the same old afghan. I've taken a few stitches to it myself over time.  I truly treasure it, even though my great grandfather is only a collection of stories to me. I have no memories of the man himself. Still, knowing this little blanket was made by loving hands and used and repaired by 4 generations of my family is a testament to the lasting quality of such things and to the fact that when cared for things don't have to be disposable. 

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