Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Why I Will Soon be Making My Own Pet Food

So why on earth would I make my own pet food? I want to reduce my reliance on outside inputs and my impact on the planet. I think the time and effort required to make food for my pets will be well worth it. Making my own pet food would allow me to utilize certain kitchen scraps which are currently going to waste because they are not good candidates for composting in a cold compost pile. It would also allow me to control what is going into my pets' food, which is important to me. I don't like the idea of my cat eating ground up baby chicks that were tossed live into a grinder simply because they were the wrong sex, or filler provided by GMO corn meal.  And who knows what's in the poor pup's food? When you come right down to it, it would reduce the overall footprint of my pets' diet by reducing production and transportation inputs and it would reduce demand for a product whose manufacturing methods and ingredients I find reprehensible. So yes, I will probably start making my own pet food very soon. I will keep you posted and will share photos and recipes!

They are certainly worth it!

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